Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Well, I went home and finally had to concede that I could not correct my computer to find the fix necessary to stop the constant restarting.  It seems to have nothing to do with the antivirus software, but in Windows itself.

So - I used the dreaded F11 key and took the old gal back to factory specifications with a date of 2004.  Amazing...it was time consuming and I lost my files, BUT I can get online and create documents.

This reminded me of my life in the aftermath of the narcissist/psychopath.  Starting over.  I am surely not the same.  Humorously, and if I understand the mechanics of programs, one never really ERASES anything...it is simply over-written so many times that the program cannot be read.  That strikes a chord with me.  Re-writing my Present and letting go to the best of my ability the "programs I had tried to upload" in the face of my incredulity...and with all my baggage of "super glue traits" (S. Brown).  

My belief systems used to include a "what if" regarding "changing history" by thinking it so.  haha!  God Bless you, Betty LaLuna in your "think yourself into a dental practice."  This ALWAYS makes me smile from ear to ear!

There is a line from one of the Star Trek movies where Captain Kirk tells Spock's brother, "Don't erase the pain from my memory - it has gone into making me who I am today."  I surely suspect this one is right on the mark!

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